In our planning process
A critical part of the success of this planning process is the participation of the Knightstown community and individuals surrounding the SR 109 corridor. To ensure that the process considers your specific needs as a property owner and resident, we would like you to participate in all aspects of our effort.
What has been discussed and presented
The planning process will include multiple meetings, presentations and online engagement opportunities. To ensure that everyone can stay updated on the team’s progress, we encourage you to review project materials and key findings throughout the process. Meeting summaries, presentations and materials can be accessed through the links below.
On March 19, 2024, the TSWDG project team facilitated the first committee meeting for the SR 109 Corridor
Improvement Plan. The meeting included introductions and an overview of the project. The project overview included a brief explanation of the scope of work and the process to complete the plan. The majority of the meeting was dedicated to a guided discussion. The full meeting packet is available for download below.
On June 10, 2024, the project team facilitated a second meeting of the planning team. The primary focus of the meeting was to review an initial draft of the future land use map and four themes that would be used as an organizational framework for the goals, objectives, and strategies.
PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE - September 24, 2024
On September 24, 2024, the project team facilitated a public open house at the Sunset Park Shelter House in Knightstown. Over 40 people attended the public event to learn about the project, review the project goals and preliminary recommendations, and provide comments.